Feb 21, 20212 min

If you don’t want to skip a beat, Read a bit!

Written By Nutritionist Eesha Vahikar

A recent study of the AHA(American Heart Association) with NIH(National Institute of Health) states that almost over 12 million deaths occur due to Heart attacks, 17% of india’s population suffers from CVD (Cardiovascular Disease)

Know Your Risk for Heart disease.

Several Health conditions,your lifestyle,age,family history and epi-genetics may play a huge role in the risk of having heart diseases. Some risk factors cannot be controlled like your Age and Family history, while others can’t. Here a good lifestyle and a healthy or good diet can definitely help you!

What health conditions can increase the risk of heart disease?

● High blood pressure.

● Unhealthy Blood cholesterol levels.

● Diabetes Mellitus orPrediabetes.

● Obesity.

What behaviours increase the risk of heart disease?

● Eating a diet high in saturated fats, trans fats and salt.

● Not getting enough physical activity or living a sedentary lifestyle.(lowering visceral fat, the one near our belly)

● Excessive alcoholism.

● Chain smoking or tobacco(nicotine raises blood pressure)

● Managing stress levels(stress hormone tends to increase pressure on heart)

Maintain a healthy diet!

The foods which we eat play a huge role in whether or not we gain or lose weight! Thequality or the quantity of the types of food we put in our body are important. For preventing or managing high cholesterol levels steer clear of foods like red meat, processed beans or fruits or meats, desserts like packaged cookies,cakes and candies

Instead add seafood as they provide omega-3 which helps in clotting the blocked arteries. Some studies even prove that the Mediterranean Diet has more fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean protein like skinless chicken and fish.


Just sitting and hoping for the cure is never gonna work so get a move on, Make major lifestyle changes and become an active person. Have a healthy diet and stay safe!

Written By Nutritionist Eesha Vahikar